# 🚀 What is R-Type ?
Our project R-Type is an ersatz of the famous [R-Type](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xAX6XTzpg0) arcade game, the purpose of the game is to control a ship and navigate throught the space while shooting and destroying ennemy ships.
However, the specifity of our game is that we implemented a multiplayer mode that allow you to play in coop from 2 to 4 players.
# In game preview
# ⭐ Pre-compiled version for the impatient ones
You can look on the right side of our repository, in the [Releases](https://github.com/VictorHarri-Chal/R-Type/releases) section in order to download a pre-compiled version depending on your operating system to play right away
# 💻 Supported Platforms
Our project can be played on both ```Linux``` and ```Windows``` OS as well as ```MacOS``` and ```Raspberry Pi```
# 🔨 Building
To build our project you need to execute a simple script a the root of our repository.
It will take care of dowloading the dependencies as well as compiling our code.
After that you need to call the server, you can execute this command:
And then, you can connect as many clients as you wish with this command:
You can speicify a ```-g``` after the ```./r-type_client``` if you want to play immediately in solo mode without going trhough menus.
Or you can specifiy a ```-w``` if you want to have the menus and the solo mode in windowed (fullscreen by default).
### On Linux, Windows & Mac
The dependencies are [CMake](https://cmake.org/), [SFML](https://www.sfml-dev.org/index-fr.php) and [Boost](https://boost.org).
# 🎮 How to play
Depending on your setup : (look the settings in game)
- No mouse -> Move with the ```ARROW KEYS``` and shoot with ```SPACE``` and use your class skill with ```C```
# 📝 Documentation
To read our project documentation, you need to execute a script in order to open a local web page.
You can also look [here](https://victorharri-chal.github.io/R-Type/), to look out directly at our online documentation.
You can check our ```RFC``` that details the communication protocol between the server and the clients [here](https://simonlefourn.notion.site/Network-db4461454b9d44e78efc64aecb0cddb7).
# 👯 Authors
[Henri Chauvet](https://github.com/H-chauvet) - [Nathan Le Bigot](https://github.com/nlbxyz) - [Matthis Lesur](https://github.com/tistech0) - [Simon Le Fourn](https://github.com/simlf) - [Victor Harri-Chal](https://github.com/VictorHarri-Chal)