R-Type  1.0.0
R-Type Project from Epitech
R-Type Documentation
# 🚀 What is R-Type ? Our project R-Type is an ersatz of the famous [R-Type](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xAX6XTzpg0) arcade game, the purpose of the game is to control a ship and navigate throught the space while shooting and destroying ennemy ships. However, the specifity of our game is that we implemented a multiplayer mode that allow you to play in coop from 2 to 4 players. # In game preview # ⭐ Pre-compiled version for the impatient ones You can look on the right side of our repository, in the [Releases](https://github.com/VictorHarri-Chal/R-Type/releases) section in order to download a pre-compiled version depending on your operating system to play right away # 💻 Supported Platforms Our project can be played on both ```Linux``` and ```Windows``` OS as well as ```MacOS``` and ```Raspberry Pi``` # 🔨 Building To build our project you need to execute a simple script a the root of our repository. It will take care of dowloading the dependencies as well as compiling our code. ```./install.sh``` After that you need to call the server, you can execute this command: ```./r-type_server``` And then, you can connect as many clients as you wish with this command: ```./r-type_client``` You can speicify a ```-g``` after the ```./r-type_client``` if you want to play immediately in solo mode without going trhough menus. Or you can specifiy a ```-w``` if you want to have the menus and the solo mode in windowed (fullscreen by default). ### On Linux, Windows & Mac The dependencies are [CMake](https://cmake.org/), [SFML](https://www.sfml-dev.org/index-fr.php) and [Boost](https://boost.org). # 🎮 How to play Depending on your setup : (look the settings in game) - No mouse -> Move with the ```ARROW KEYS``` and shoot with ```SPACE``` and use your class skill with ```C``` # 📝 Documentation To read our project documentation, you need to execute a script in order to open a local web page. ```./run_documentation.sh``` You can also look [here](https://victorharri-chal.github.io/R-Type/), to look out directly at our online documentation. You can check our ```RFC``` that details the communication protocol between the server and the clients [here](https://simonlefourn.notion.site/Network-db4461454b9d44e78efc64aecb0cddb7). # 👯 Authors [Henri Chauvet](https://github.com/H-chauvet) - [Nathan Le Bigot](https://github.com/nlbxyz) - [Matthis Lesur](https://github.com/tistech0) - [Simon Le Fourn](https://github.com/simlf) - [Victor Harri-Chal](https://github.com/VictorHarri-Chal)